
How to Prevent Holiday Overspending

The magic of the season tends to end abruptly when your credit card bill arrives. If you have a habit…

7 years ago

Sometimes It’s Actually Rewarding to Skip a Loan Payment

It's always important to stay on top of your loans. Regularly missing payments can negatively affect your credit & harm…

7 years ago

Overdraft Protection—A Financial Safety Net

While paper checks aren't very common, most people use checking. In these accounts, money is subtracted when a transaction occurs.…

7 years ago

Being Thankful Can Help You Save

November is celebrated as a time of gratitude—a period to reflect on what we have before the focus shifts toward…

7 years ago

Tips for Filmmakers on a Tight Budget

Most amateur filmmakers don't have the budget of even the cheapest Hollywood project, but if you're aspiring to create your…

7 years ago

Benefits for Members Serving in the Military

From America First's humble founding in 1939 at Fort Douglas to opening three branches on Hill Air Force Base, our…

7 years ago

Shop Smart & Cut Your Grocery Bill

Everyone knows you'll save money by making lunch & dinner instead of eating out. However, it's still important to shop…

7 years ago

Last-Minute Halloween Costumes on a Budget

Believe it or not, there are some people who have their Halloween costume picked out before the Fourth of July.…

7 years ago

Credit Union History Steeped in Cooperation

Credit unions began forming in Germany during the mid-19th century. Due to famine and crop failure, Herman Schulze-Delitzsch organized a…

7 years ago

Stay Warm & Save on Heating Costs

As the weather turns colder, heaters are kicking on and many folks find themselves paying higher energy bills. However, keeping…

7 years ago