Board Election Highlights Annual Meeting
In accordance with credit union bylaws, three America First members will be elected to the Board of Directors at the annual meeting on April 18, 2017 at the David S. Eccles Conference Center in Ogden, Utah. These non-paying positions are voluntary.
Incumbent directors serving three-year terms are:
- Linda Carver
- Edwin G. Cline
- James G. Wendler
Those interested in applying must meet the following minimum standards:
- Membership in good standing
- Legal age (18 years or older)
- Bondable
- Free from any conflicts of interest
- Available for all Board of Directors, Committee, and other designated meetings unless excused
Please submit a letter of application to the America First Nominations Committee, P.O. Box 9199, Ogden, Utah 84409. This should include your statement of qualification (limited to 150 words).
The application deadline is 5 p.m. on January 11, 2017 at the above address. You will be interviewed between January 12 and January 27 of next year if you meet the criteria.
Nominations for Board seats by petition are also accepted. Those applying this way must submit a qualification statement (the word limit is 150) and a petition signed by 500 fellow credit union members. Such applications must be accompanied by a signed certificate from the nominee stating he or she is agreeable to the process and will serve if elected. Applications for nomination by petition must be received by 5 p.m., January 11, 2017 at the address listed previously.
Each applying member receives a copy of the election instructions. Elections will be conducted by ballot at the meeting and nominations are not accepted from the floor.
Please direct any questions regarding the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors or election procedures to Sheryl Cox by calling 1-800-999-3961.