Month: July 2017

Large barn

United We Stand

John LundBy John B. Lund, President and Chief Executive Officer

I’m extremely fortunate to live in a small, rural mountain town where the air is clean, the scenery is beautiful, and the people are friendly, hard-working & service-oriented. Lovely patriotic scenes are painted on the sides of two local barns, illustrating pride of country and patriotism.

The community is also known for our annual Independence Day celebration held in and around the park. A flag-raising ceremony marks the sunrise, followed by 5K and 10K races, a delicious freshly cooked breakfast, and a parade around the town square. There are games for the kids, local works of art, crafts, a patriotic program, music, and lots of food is available throughout the day. Our Fourth of July culminates with a fantastic display of fireworks.

This year, my wife was asked to help with the planning and coordination of the parade. It is a real down-home event, featuring children on bicycles, family-decorated floats, marching school bands & cheer squads, vintage tractors and cars, American Legionnaires, horses, fire engines, police vehicles, candy tossed to the kids, and a local citizen being honored as grand marshal.

The parade theme for 2017 is United We Stand—three simple but powerful words. United means acting in harmony as a single unit. We is descriptive of a collective group. To me, Stand denotes life, accomplishment, being steadfast, integrity, and purpose. Individuals are different in many ways, but working together, we become much more powerful and better off as families, neighbors, communities, and as a nation.

I am so grateful for those who continue to stand united in preserving our freedoms, opportunity, peace, and security. To honor this great nation and our servicemen and servicewomen each summer is most certainly appropriate.

America First Credit Union was founded in 1939 by a group of 59 pioneering individuals who also stood united to improve the economic well-being of one another. Since those humble beginnings, generations of individuals, families, and businesses have benefited from superior financial services, better rates on loans & deposits, premier technology, many free or low-cost services, tremendous convenience, and a sense of belonging.

On behalf of the dedicated volunteers and staff of America First, I thank you for your membership, loyalty, and allowing us to serve your complete financial needs. We look forward to a lifelong relationship.

Don’t Let a Getaway Give You Unnecessary Financial Stress

For many, summer vacation planning is done according to a reasonable budget. You research flights, accommodations & destinations; you book the lower-priced alternatives; and you weigh the cost against your savings accumulated specifically for this purpose.

Then you arrive and financial responsibility goes out the window. You’re soon spending without limits and paying no heed to the costs of extras & incidentals. Before you embark this year, here are some tips to consider:

  • Have a goal. Do you want a full two weeks away in another part of the country or would a long weekend at a state park give you the rest & relaxation you need? Think about this issue before you start digging into the details.
  • You’re in control. Where to go and how much to spend is up to you. Take a vacation you can afford and live within your means while you’re there.
  • Go beyond the initial price tag. We all encounter hidden costs, fees, and taxes that come with hotel stays and airline tickets. Don’t forget these things when you’re drawing up your balance sheet.
  • Look ahead. When you get home, begin putting money aside for the next trip. A great way to do this is with a dedicated savings account from America First. With this option, you’ll benefit from competitive returns, convenience & flexibility, and more.

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